I got this recipe off the DB forums from Abba. So I have no clue as to where it originally came from. But it is good. Darn good.
Almond Custard
3 Tbsp plus 1/2 tsp Almond paste
1/4 cup plus 1.5 tsp sugar
4 Tbsp Butter, room temperature and cut into 3 pieces.
1 egg, room temperature and lightly beaten
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 Tbsp plus 1.5 tsp all purpose flour
Whiz the almond paste and sugar together in a food processor (or do what I did and use your fingers to work it all together).
Then pulse in the butter chunks (once again I used my fingers)
Add the egg vanilla and flour and mix until smooth. (she says it makes a cream but it looked a little thinker then that to me). the almond paste will make it gritty to the touch (tastes great though).
If the eggs and butter are not room temperature they will separate.
I put some of this on top of some cherries I had played with in a ramekin and baked at 350 degrees til slightly brown on top.
Temper's Notes:
Just let me sat OH MY GOD! was it good. Quick and easy too but elegant enough to serve at a fancy shindig. This was what I was expecting the Clafouti to be like. I haven't let Indra try any, that way it is mine all mine! And for the record fingers worked every bit as good as a food processor would in this case. No pictures because I ate it to quick.
Edited for pic 7/11/08 not the best picture but I had it all gone before I realized that, maybe next time.
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